Wednesday, September 25, 2013

School Subjects

1- Unscramble the words to write school subjects. 
2- School is fun! LET'S PLAY SOME games!
3- What's your favorite subject? Why do you like it? Write a post!

What time is it now?

 1- Listen to the times and repeat.
 2- What time is it? Listen and repeat.
 3- Match the pictures to the correct times.
4- Play a time memo game!
5- Listen to the different times and match them to the correct clok.


1- Unscramble tle letters to form a member of the family.  
2- Complete the exercises about the family
3- Post a paragraph describing your family. Do you have a big family?What are your parents' names? Do you have brothers or sisters? How old are they? Where do they live?

Monday, August 19, 2013

My neighborhood

1-Guess the word. 
2- Listen to the words and practice.
3- Write a comment: What's your favorite place in Rosario? Where is it? Is it fun? 

Where is it?


1- Complete the sentences using ON, IN or UNDER.
2- Listen and choose True or False.
3- Is your bedroom tidy or untidy?  Write a commentto describe your bedroom? 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Let's sing!

 You say GOODBYE, I say Hello!

1- Listen to a famous song by the Beatles! Then complete the exercises.

Our classroom

 Let's paint our classroom!

1- What's your favorite color? What's your favorite object in the classroom?Write your answer in a comment.
2- Ready to play a game?